computing education

Using Benchmarking Infrastructure to Evaluate LLM Performance on CS Concept Inventories: Challenges, Opportunities, and Critiques

Used automated benchmarking infrastructure and expert review to understand differences in LLM and student performance on CS assessments with validity evidence.

Co-Designing AI Education Curriculum with Cross-Disciplinary High School Teachers

Curriculuar co-design with high school teachers identified considerations for integrating GenAI education across disciplines

From Consumers to Critical Users: Prompty, an AI Literacy Tool For High School Students

Designed tool that scaffolded the prompting and output comparison of ChatGPT for high school language arts students.

Teaching Ethics in Computing: A Systematic Literature Review of ACM Computer Science Education Publications

Synthesized findings from 40 years of ACM CS Education research on ethics instruction in higher education computing courses.

Constructionist approaches to learning artificial intelligence/machine learning: Past, present, and future

Discussion amongst researchers on designing and researching constructionist tools and activities for learning Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning.

Addressing Environmental Data Inequities

Partnering with community organizations to build youth capacity to use data for environmental justice

Developing Novice Programmers' Self-Regulation Skills with Code Replays

Designed tool that enabled replays of code writing process and found that its use improved novice programmers' self-regulation behaviors when writing code.

AI and Computing Education

Research on teaching with and about AI

Critical Interpretations of Data

Designing opportunities for people to use data to identify and address structural inequities.

Equitable & Ethical Computing Education

Designing theory, strategies, and tools to make computing education more equitable and ethical.